How to Stop Defensiveness: Avoid the ‘Gotcha’
Ask don’t tell. If you hang out with me for more than a few hours in a work-type setting, chances are 100% that you will hear me say this phrase. Mantra. Rule. As the saying goes, rules are meant to be broken. There ARE times when you tell before you ask. Because if...
What TSA Can Remind Us About Being Human
I walked up to the TSA desk this morning and realized I might be in trouble. JAX is becoming technologically savvy, and they’ve installed face-scanning machines at security. For those unfamiliar, you walk up, slide your license into one machine, and then look directly...
How to Ask Better Questions
I can’t tell you how many times this week I’ve text-yelled, internally yelled, or outwardly yelled, “WRONG QUESTION!” Jodi is a bit more subtle in her approach, as we discovered last week. However, her approach has been eye-opening. Listening to people. Reading...
“Start asking questions…”
We’re two episodes into the latest season of True Detective: Night County. Episode one was a bit…we’ll say whacky, but I was hooked. Episode two had me sit up and take notice multiple times. One of those times inspired this week’s newsletter. The others–I am not here...
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