Pro Tip: Mercury in Retrograde is Real

Pro Tip: Mercury in Retrograde is Real

Four weeks ago to this day, I left my laptop open outside, overnight, and there was a rainstorm. Pro tip: don’t leave your laptop open, outside, overnight, in a rainstorm. It doesn’t like to turn on when wet. Lucky for me, my external hard drive had failed a few...
The Wonder, the Inspiration: the Bathrooms at DFW

The Wonder, the Inspiration: the Bathrooms at DFW

Yesterday, I headed to DFW. At JAX, before departing, I headed to the restroom. Crap–enter the moment of uncertainty when all the stall doors are closed, but are they all occupied? Cue the contortion. When you turn upside down, 50/50 chance your bag slips off your...
When the Teacher Gets Schooled

When the Teacher Gets Schooled

“So be here at 9:45 in one of these two buildings for the first-come, first-served tickets at the house, right? Is there anything else I need to know?”  “Yes, that’s correct, and no, you’re all set!” That was the summary statement after asking six ways to Sunday...
The Ask: the Relief of Support

The Ask: the Relief of Support

Two big epiphanies/dot connections/decisions happened this week.  I feel like a giant gorilla. 🦍 Stay with me.  The gorilla image comes to mind because I feel like both of these decisions have made my shoulders drop about 23 inches from my ears, where they’re known to...