Erin’s Blog

Taking it Personally

It’s always a fine line. When we’re talking about difficult conversations, how to work through them, how to navigate them. Workshop participants share their stories, open up, get real about what’s getting them going. The fine line starts to get sketched out. I get...

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What we Want, What they Want: The Gap in Between

Yo! What’s up! Think about that greeting, and imagine the places you might hear it. The local coffee shop? A party? Catching up with a buddy? Your first time at a doctor’s office, meeting the nurse practitioner that is going to help you with your physical? While...

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The Sick Of List: A New Annual Tradition. Join Me?

We’re back! If you’re one of the fun ones who recently joined this Thursday party, I’ve returned from a June break. The first part of June was a series of break-a-leg type events, which were A-W-E-S-O-M-E if I were to do a cheer about them. The second part of June...

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You and your phones don’t make me feel heard

Lunch and learn, which was full of full moon shenanigans. You would not believe the stories coming out of two hours spent at a Brazilian Steakhouse. (Wait a week or two, and I’ll give it all to you!) Now, I was given fair warning that there would be men, in gaucho...

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Wasting Time on the People who won’t Get it

In the past two weeks, there have been two incidents with dogs and their owners. They have not ended well. In fact, they made me so irate that my Whoop fitness tracker thought I was in Zone 5 (that’s like full exertion). At one point, mid-confrontation, it started...

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Warm and Fuzzies, or What Really Matters

It was during our debrief call the topic came up. “She didn’t really like the warm and fuzzy stuff you talked about…” Come again? I was confused — neither my work nor me are normally described as warm or fuzzy. “The part when you talk about the feeling and the...

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For the Birds: Where Can you Stop Crowing

It’s been quite a week in our yard. Last Thursday, we let our dog Steve out back to roam the yard, as he does. We’re on the second floor, so as he trotted down the stairs, I took a gander around the yard and noticed a crow hanging out. Steve went over to mark his...

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Pro Tip: Mercury in Retrograde is Real

Four weeks ago to this day, I left my laptop open outside, overnight, and there was a rainstorm. Pro tip: don’t leave your laptop open, outside, overnight, in a rainstorm. It doesn’t like to turn on when wet. Lucky for me, my external hard drive had failed a few...

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The Wonder, the Inspiration: the Bathrooms at DFW

Yesterday, I headed to DFW. At JAX, before departing, I headed to the restroom. Crap–enter the moment of uncertainty when all the stall doors are closed, but are they all occupied? Cue the contortion. When you turn upside down, 50/50 chance your bag slips off your...

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When the Teacher Gets Schooled

“So be here at 9:45 in one of these two buildings for the first-come, first-served tickets at the house, right? Is there anything else I need to know?”  “Yes, that’s correct, and no, you’re all set!” That was the summary statement after asking six ways to Sunday...

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A wall of red balloons