Erin’s Blog

Can I Get a Side of Logic with That Rule?

For two years, post Peace Corps and then working at the most toxic work environment of my life it was time for me to chillax and do something mildly mindless. I bartended at LaPosada in Santa Fe. The law in New Mexico: card everyone. If you’re 100 years old and...

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The Ask: the Relief of Support

Two big epiphanies/dot connections/decisions happened this week.  I feel like a giant gorilla. 🦍 Stay with me.  The gorilla image comes to mind because I feel like both of these decisions have made my shoulders drop about 23 inches from my ears, where they’re known...

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Internal Encouragement: It’s a Choice

A few months ago, I forayed into the world of hot yoga. I was scared. As mentioned, I’m more of a “slow flow” girl. And I hate being hot.  Today, I brought a towel to class because I’ve found that mid-way through class, I’ve got sweat dripping from all over the...

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An image depicting the choice to spiral upward or downward when in a tough moment

Owning It: Following through without Micromanaging

Last week, I decided to kick it old school and take the “L” train from O’Hare to downtown Chicago. I decided the potentially sus stink from the CTA was better than the 3433 Glade Plug-In chemical stench emanating from all Ubers these days.  As I finished up buying...

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Full Circle Reflections

 I had a full-circle moment this week. In Chicago this week, cohort 2 of Presenting with Impact Workshop with Hightower Financial Services. About three miles down the road is the home of the Swirl, Uncle Julio’s Hacienda, also the home of my first “real job,”...

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How to Stop Defensiveness: Avoid the ‘Gotcha’

Ask don’t tell. If you hang out with me for more than a few hours in a work-type setting, chances are 100% that you will hear me say this phrase. Mantra. Rule.  As the saying goes, rules are meant to be broken. There ARE times when you tell before you ask. Because...

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A cat taking a nap in the sun

What TSA Can Remind Us About Being Human

I walked up to the TSA desk this morning and realized I might be in trouble. JAX is becoming technologically savvy, and they’ve installed face-scanning machines at security. For those unfamiliar, you walk up, slide your license into one machine, and then look...

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Someone waiting at the airprot

How to Ask Better Questions

I can’t tell you how many times this week I’ve text-yelled, internally yelled, or outwardly yelled, “WRONG QUESTION!”  Jodi is a bit more subtle in her approach, as we discovered last week. However, her approach has been eye-opening. Listening to people. Reading...

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A woman shrugging her shoulders

“Start asking questions…”

We’re two episodes into the latest season of True Detective: Night County. Episode one was a bit…we’ll say whacky, but I was hooked. Episode two had me sit up and take notice multiple times. One of those times inspired this week’s newsletter. The others–I am not...

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A neon sign reading “ask” on both sides

Adding to the Never Fails List

Tuesday was just one of those days. Not in the mood. I couldn’t shake this doomlike feeling, which is decidedly not me. I was on a podcast and had to do two restarts because I was a million miles away and unfocused on the questions. It was rainy and gross here, and...

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Hot pink lipstick