The Sick Of List: A New Annual Tradition. Join Me?

The Sick Of List: A New Annual Tradition. Join Me?

We’re back! If you’re one of the fun ones who recently joined this Thursday party, I’ve returned from a June break. The first part of June was a series of break-a-leg type events, which were A-W-E-S-O-M-E if I were to do a cheer about them. The second part of June was...
Wasting Time on the People who won’t Get it

Wasting Time on the People who won’t Get it

In the past two weeks, there have been two incidents with dogs and their owners. They have not ended well. In fact, they made me so irate that my Whoop fitness tracker thought I was in Zone 5 (that’s like full exertion). At one point, mid-confrontation, it started...
Pro Tip: Mercury in Retrograde is Real

Pro Tip: Mercury in Retrograde is Real

Four weeks ago to this day, I left my laptop open outside, overnight, and there was a rainstorm. Pro tip: don’t leave your laptop open, outside, overnight, in a rainstorm. It doesn’t like to turn on when wet. Lucky for me, my external hard drive had failed a few...
Internal Encouragement: It’s a Choice

Internal Encouragement: It’s a Choice

A few months ago, I forayed into the world of hot yoga. I was scared. As mentioned, I’m more of a “slow flow” girl. And I hate being hot.  Today, I brought a towel to class because I’ve found that mid-way through class, I’ve got sweat dripping from all over the place,...